As I searched among the black, flat rooftops, suddenly the Monster released his birds.
Off to the left, to the rhythm of the music, schoolchildren did gym routines on a flat rooftop.
The couple looked out and saw a flat rooftop extending just below their window.
To advocates of solar energy, those enormous flat rooftops are electricity production plants waiting to happen.
The flat rooftop of the modern structure adds harmony to its composition.
Khalil walked to the small tin shed on the flat rooftop.
She could feel the heat on her face, worse even in the few moments since they had come out onto the flat rooftop.
That swung easily under his hand, and he looked out upon a flat rooftop.
It allows them to live at home - albeit often on their traditional flat rooftops, from which they can keep looters away.
Often the flat rooftops of these structures were used for sleeping in warm weather.