The idea is to find a flat route that is half the length of your event and to run at race pace for that distance.
The train frequently reaches top speeds just over 80 mph (129 km/h) on these relatively straight, flat routes.
No wonder she took a different, flatter route home - where she told Carl to add an extra gear.
Make it work for you Start by changing your walking routine: Twice a week, replace 25% of your flat route with short or gradual hills.
The route follows the Central Valley, providing a remarkably flat route through a hilly region.
If the track had not taken the flattest route she would never have made it at all.
All you need is a flat route of one mile (1,600 metres or four laps of a standard athletics track).
Or for anyone with mobility problems it can be accessed via a more direct flat route starting at Strawberry Car Park.
When more experienced hikers opted for tougher paths, Ms. James would take her grandson on the easier, flatter route.
Royal olive groves and swaying palm trees line the flat 26-mile route for the Marrakesh Marathon (