Heather Street was a gash in the side of a steep flat slope, at the top of Beachwood Drive.
A primitive vegetation clung precariously to life there in the low-lying belts and on the flat slopes of the hills.
The little fleet moved at low altitude across the flat slopes, hugged the crests of the mountains and crossed the shallow valleys.
High tolerance is indicated as a flat slope, i.e., host performance is not influenced by increasing number of pathogens, parasites or herbivores.
The city rests on a mostly flat slope that angles down towards Ocean Avenue and towards the south.
The volcanic soils in the park formed above basaltic rock base are found in the valleys and have gentle or flat slopes.
The forests gave way to the long, flat, alluvial slopes that led down to the Wildspae, the northern boundary of the lands of Belmarie.
The flat slope went up for a long minute's drive.
All leopards preferred dry evergreen and mixed deciduous forest with flat slope near water courses.
Fay caused severe flooding in the middle basin due not only to the deluge but the flat slopes of the river.