The most obvious advantage to flat-panel monitors is space.
Picking a Dell 17-inch flat-panel monitor instead of the 15-inch one that comes with the system costs $120 more.
Perhaps the most obvious advantage that flat-panel monitors have is their small footprint.
The flat-panel monitor stood on the desk, but Banks was damned if he could find the computer itself.
Indeed, the flat-panel monitor is one design facet that should soon be universal.
Strong sales of flat-panel monitors and computer chips helped shrink the loss.
He punched up instructions into a computer, and the results were projected onto a large flat-panel monitor on the conference-room wall.
It sells for $900, plus $400 for a 17-inch flat-panel monitor.
So Dell began packing 16 chassis or eight flat-panel monitors in a single box.
None of these feature-rich flat-panel monitors, which were released this month, are cheap.