The maneuvering came hours before the Senate went into closed session and debated for four hours a Democratic motion to flatly dismiss the charges against Mr. Clinton.
Mr. Bentson flatly dismisses the notion, arguing that the effective level of competition will rise in most areas as banks buy into new markets through mergers.
He released a signed affidavit in which the woman, identified as "Jane Doe No. 5," flatly dismissed the accusations of sexual assault as untrue.
On the same program, Representative Bill Paxon, Republican of New York, flatly dismissed the idea.
Hacker and Pierson flatly dismiss this idea; their book is concerned only with domestic policy, they say, because that's what voters care about most.
But Dr. Vasella flatly dismissed that theory.
Senator Pete V. Domenici, the New Mexico Republican who will lead the negotiations over the broader energy bill, today flatly dismissed the idea.
His ideas of reform did not extend beyond economic matters, and he flatly dismissed the idea that glasnost and perestroika were also applicable to China.
But Mr. Quigg flatly dismisses the notion that the decision opened a Pandora's box for the manipulation and control of new forms of life.
Governors and mayors leading the charge for Canadian drugs flatly dismiss Dr. McClellan's safety concerns.