The new law flatly forbids any lobbying, regardless of whether the White House already has an interest in the subject.
Capek spotted it and took action, put her under llght hypnosis and asked her questions-then he flatly forbade her to see Bonforte again until I was done and finished and shipped away.
"RCN regulations flatly forbid duels between officers," she said.
"Don't worry," Pasquinel said, but McKeag flatly forbade him to take his Indian family to Saint Louis, explaining that it would be especially difficult for Clay Basket.
Thus even a devoted valentine might not be expected to drag home 10-foot pairs of what my spouse calls "fire hose" and, with a light laugh, flatly forbids in her house.
'No,' he flatly forbade it.
The lawyer, Carla J. Martin, provided trial transcripts and gave pointed advice to seven witnesses, in apparent violation of a court order that flatly forbade witnesses from attending the trial or reading transcripts of it.
He spoke of possible disruption of the time-stream by the changing of the past, and other complicated things, and flatly forbade the producer to use the time-machine.
If I'd met Matty-he flatly forbade me to call him Dr. Jayrnes-in person back then, instead of by e-mail, he would definitely have met my definition of interesting.
At first, the ever-cautious Captain Smith flatly forbade any cave-exploring.