Medicare officials considered issuing a regulation that would flatly prohibit H.M.O.'s from using their members' names and addresses for lobbying or political purposes.
The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure flatly prohibit prosecutors from disclosing grand jury matters.
New York might follow English law and flatly prohibit honking when a vehicle is stationary.
Both the House and Senate recently passed trade bills that flatly prohibit export license fees.
That rule flatly prohibits detectable residues of cancer-causing pesticides in certain processed foods.
Indeed, the program flatly prohibited the participation of any public school, or parent of any public school enrollee.
Note that this order did not flatly prohibit Gateway from engaging in renting, selling, and loaning personal information.
House and Senate leaders said they wanted to avoid such a substitution but neither bill would flatly prohibit it.
The Federal guidelines for tax credits do not flatly prohibit such alterations, but projects run the risk of being rejected for errors of period style.
The proposed measure would flatly prohibit "sexual relationships with a client unless the sexual relationship predates the formation of the client-lawyer relationship."