"They all walked away from that flawed approach in the 1980's, when airline security failed to improve."
What can be faulted, is Sterling's early bungling, which meant product problems and a flawed approach to the marketplace.
Still, the presumption of safety until harm is proved represents a flawed approach.
It would correct a flawed approach to public works that stripped the coastline and endangered those living beyond it.
The pressure to produce numbers is a flawed approach to law enforcement.
And as a lawyer, I am confused by its flawed approach to discriminatory intent.
In low visibility conditions, the pilot had executed a flawed approach, which let the aircraft descend below the glidepath.
EuroGamer praised the production values, but added that "a flawed approach to co-op play and an inherent lack of variety ultimately count against it."
But unlike the Senate bill's flawed approach, we don't shackle the president with the discredited airline security model that European countries abandoned.
House Republicans have correctly resisted the Senate's flawed approach, and we'll protect the president's flexibility to create an effective airline security system.