Several factors contribute to failure including a flawed design, improper use, financial costs, and miscommunication.
There are several forms of miscommunication that can lead to a flawed design in a system.
As a consultant to builders bidding on such projects, I often see seriously flawed designs by others.
They've taken a flawed design and made it work.
Unlike real engineers who change their design when something doesn't work, we've just perpetuated this flawed design, year after year.
It doesn't specify what this fix is, nor if the flawed design has been altered.
Officials in the Union Army attempted to create the first minesweeper but were plagued by flawed designs and abandoned the project.
The competing versions share some common ground, but the Republican plan has a flawed design.
We know for certain that one of the main causes of the Chernobyl accident was the flawed design of the reactor.
But "at some point you've got to say, 'Wow, maybe the critics who say this is a really flawed design are right."'