She was outstanding, maintained a flawless French accent throughout, and never once faltered in her timing.
Don't think that every Marguerite speaks stylish English with a flawless French accent throughout.
To answer your question, British actors deliver flawless American accents.
She speaks English fluently with a flawless American accent; you would never know that Afrikaans was her first language.
Thanks to his flawless Russian accent, he has played a lot of Russian characters in movies, TV series and computer games.
"Courvoisier cognac with a sharp, biting taste," the Russian officer answered in a flawless American accent.
Lisa knows a flawless accent to apply, but shocked the guests occasionally with her talking points.
The man with Popescu was young, also Romanian, but with a flawless American accent.
But the effort expended on the flawless Cuban accent and the attempts to flesh out a character cut from inch-thick cardboard are hopeless.
He learned how to speak the Tongan parts with a flawless accent.