Without a goal, whether an A in organic chemistry, a sub-eight-minute five thousand meters, a flawless operation, or a beautiful woman, Zach was lost.
Well okay, maybe it hadn't been an entirely flawless operation, but hey, we got him.
Mr. Frownfelter said that PanAmSat's contractors use probabilistic models to help assure that their craft can meet the requirement of an 80 percent chance of flawless operation for 15 years.
Until now, the army has portrayed the invasion as a nearly flawless operation in which care was taken to protect civilians and to capture Panamanian soldiers alive.
It is, if not a flawless operation, one that frees its principals from most of the lesser irritations of their profession.
The heat pipe cooling system designed for this purpose managed the high heat fluxes and demonstrated flawless operation with and without the influence of gravity.
This is not to say that it has been a flawless operation by any means.
We are able to make a difference, but we are not in any way trying to portray this as an easy or flawless operation.
After a few weeks of flawless operation the E2000 replaced the GL as the real router and the other got demoted to wireless AP only duties.
They were equipped with a very sensitive receiver, a very linear VFO which made flawless operations in the AM, SSB and CW modes possible.