The tutor fled leaving them alone, and then came another shot, this time in the corridor outside their room.
The result was that the enemy fled in confusion leaving much booty for the Balóches.
The enemy immediately fled leaving behind them 200 camels which were taken to Madinah.
She turns and he flees leaving only an amulet hanging on a branch.
Márquez fled with his cavalry leaving the rest of the infantry behind.
The East India troops fled leaving behind 300 wounded to be killed.
Is there an anti-Christ - the man who fled naked from the garden at dusk leaving his garment behind?
The younger natives fled into the woods leaving an old and dying man.
What then will they do: match naked hands against iron and die in vain, or flee leaving the cries of women behind them?
Bludd has a chance to free her, but flees leaving her to an explosion.