He is one of 15,000 Haitians, who fled the country's repression and poverty in 1980.
Many have fled extreme poverty, generalised conflict, economic collapse etc.
In that undeveloped land, there could be space for no more than a minority of those who wanted to flee poverty and persecution.
Just ask those who've fled poverty and persecution, risked their lives to get here.
Many families are fleeing political oppression or poverty.
Many of the more than 300 confirmed dead in Jimaní were Haitians fleeing poverty.
Most of its 300,000 inhabitants are rural migrants who fled poverty and violence in the Andes.
More than 40,000 Haitians have tried to flee the violence and deepening poverty.
On the contrary, Europe must be open to those who are prepared to risk everything to flee war, poverty and sometimes death.
Haitians were fleeing political violence and poverty at home.