Then from our right appeared another fleet of ships.
Again the entire fleet appeared on the entire screen.
He thought the full array might look somewhat larger, if anything, than his own fleet had once appeared.
In the pilot there appeared to be only one main fleet.
If something happened on the methane planet, it certainly wouldn't take longer than an hour until the fleet appeared.
One month later, a fleet with 1,200 soldiers and 650 buccaneers appeared before Cartagena.
"I'm sure that the fleet that's waiting for us will suddenly appear if we head out of orbit."
On 20 August, the British fleet, now six ships, appeared again.
And then the Durandal's fleet appeared on the horizon, and there was no more time.
The fleet of 10 Whitbread yachts - all about 64 feet long - appear to be holding together well.