The Carthaginian fleet scattered and escaped save for seven ships.
"Does he have some means for his fleet to escape Cadiz?"
Defeating the three gate guardians, the fleet escapes the time zone created by the Heart.
Philip's fleet had just escaped from the allied blockade and Philip ordered that a squadron head to Athens.
The leaking fleet escaped, only to be marooned in Jamaica for a year.
In 951 and again in 953 Russian fleets narrowly escaped destruction by fire ships.
The fleet had escaped, through, leaving them to limp outward on their own, with not so much as a shield ship by their side.
On 2 October, the British fleet got underway and escaped.
The fleet of Ghent escaped to England, where it kept up the war.
Although the Germans won a tactical victory, their main fleet narrowly escaped destruction and they once again laid their hopes on the unrestricted submarine warfare.