Support Services Bureau (Civil deputies, property section, warrants, fleet maintenance, records)
Shelly moved back to the Navajo Nation in 1976, and owned a fleet maintenance and mechanic shop.
Many small counties and municipal governments are looking at outsourcing basic services such as fleet maintenance, meter reading, street and road repairs.
Graduate engineer, he is hired as technical Director at Europe Aéro Service responsible for fleet maintenance.
The company's product lines include full-service truck leasing, fleet maintenance, truck rentals, used truck sales, and supply chain solutions.
He is offering to handle fleet maintenance for trucking companies.
It is involved primarily in crop dusting, aerial seeding, and fleet maintenance in addition to its chartered passenger operations.
Property Management Section- is responsible for uniform, fleet maintenance, equipment, and for holding and safeguarding the chain-of-custody of police property.
This was in line with the policy of parent company Air New Zealand's desire to rationalising the overall cost of fleet maintenance.
The Administrative lieutenant is responsible for procurement, quartermaster inventory, fleet maintenance, records management, police communications and numerous other related activities.