As always when he looked at that immense barrier of stone he wondered idly what lay beyond it, although this was only a fleeting interest.
Perhaps not, he said, because people have only a fleeting interest in athletes.
Spirits are by nature inconstant beings with fleeting interests.
Just weeks ago some Democrats insisted that the latest Clinton controversy would be only of fleeting interest.
He'd never shown more than a fleeting interest in her.
She may easily have been doing nothing more than displaying a fleeting interest in an object, with no concept of the possible ramifications of her actions.
Brim felt a momentary excitement when the woman's enormous brown eyes met his and paused with fleeting interest before she turned toward his old commander.
Issues of substance commanded far more fleeting interest.
My time was about twenty seconds from expiring, both because we were nearing the hotel and her fleeting interest in me was fading fast.
But movie stars only held a fleeting interest for him.