That leaves Mr. Irwin's choirboy countenance to express bewilderment, spite, rage, or a foolish fleeting joy for the sake of some old time largely forgotten.
To burn the biscuits will be but a fleeting joy; still it is a temporary relief, and here they go on the fire!
To see them with the stars shining, denotes fleeting joys and small advancements.
To dream of eating frogs, signifies fleeting joys and very little gain from associating with some people.
Marley reminded me of life's brevity, of its fleeting joys and missed opportunities.
Some human beings, have a sense that money, stuff and people, will not bring more than fleeting joy, and a desire to understand what will, delivers these individuals to the Ashram.
(Incidentally, two of them, including one in which a son dances with his mother in a flash of fleeting joy, directly recall events in "Roses.")
She goes on to call the lyric "cute and will remind all parents of the fleeting joys of childhood and how quickly the kids begin building their own lives."
A dream, a breath, a froth of fleeting joy.
She felt that she was too engrossed in fleeting joys and that she did not know God.