Lake was their one fleeting opportunity to walk away with enough money to coast forever.
Desperate to exploit what they perceive as a fleeting opportunity, the victims usually pay.
"But no one can know whether this will continue to be a burning issue in November, or simply a fleeting opportunity for real reform."
The actor is woefully underutilized this time, however, and gets only fleeting opportunities to display his rolling basso voice.
And he knew better than most how fleeting opportunity could be.
Maxse argued that the 1918 victory against Germany gave the Allies a fleeting opportunity to destroy German power.
Units and individuals were expected to be problem solvers, making creative use out of what might be fleeting opportunities and scarce resources.
But a fleeting opportunity to launch a genuine negotiation is there - if only he plays his cards right.
On the other hand, if headquarters approval is necessary for every action, some fleeting opportunities may be missed.
But it is in her fleeting opportunities at comedy that she shows herself off to best advantage.