In point of fact, the entire decision process occupied fleeting seconds.
For fleeting seconds, a sticky mass of brain matter welled up through the hole.
He took his hand off the wheel and touched hers for a fleeting second.
If he did, it was merely a glimpse, a fleeting second of something white being slapped over his face.
He wanted to look perfect for the party, give the New York imports something to remember in the final fleeting seconds of their lives.
It seemed that, for a few fleeting seconds, the universe had revealed a glimpse of what made life worth living.
He rolled his eyes and smiled for a fleeting second.
This time the rocket hit the southeast corner, and for a few fleeting seconds the Brazilian night was transformed into day.
Father Boquilva registered surprise for only a fleeting second; then he smiled and turned away toward the house.
If they saw our point man before they died, it was only for a fleeting second.