There are repeated choreographic motifs for some performers, as well as fleeting suggestions of narratives.
Here, too, ensemble dances were imbedded in the flow, creating fleeting suggestions of relationships and strong emotions.
Some baseball fans in the Midwest yesterday were teased by a fleeting suggestion they become part owners of the Chicago White Sox.
I had nothing to do with the arrangement; and such fleeting suggestions as I made were not taken so seriously as they might have been.
Mr. Robbins has structured the piece to build so gradually, with such fleeting suggestions of character and situation, that it is unproductive to speculate on what exactly is going on.
Still, it is hard not to think of the original and later versions of the piece, given a fleeting suggestion of a sacrificial maiden and an occasional desperate sensuality in the atmosphere.
Although the general tone of "Blessed" was neper in doubt, it seemed vague because there were only fleeting suggestions of the kinds of spiritual experiences that prompted the choreographic emotions.
But Ms. Cummings creates the sense of an almost filmic sweep of history, stuffed with fleeting suggestions of individual tales, that is unusual in dance today.
It's the thick aroma of fat heated up for deep frying, mixed with fleeting suggestions of spice, and you can't shake it out of your nostrils for the rest of the evening.
But in their uneven mind touch he caught a fleeting suggestion of bewilderment on her part, as if she found his mental processes as hard to understand as a puzzle with few leading clues.