She was bony and angular with little flesh covering the protuberance of bone at her pelvis and ribs.
The flesh covering them appeared pallid, shriveled.
It is unknown what manner of circulatory system, if any, is employed, nor what biological processes take place to sustain the flesh covering.
The Fury was bare of its usual flesh covering, its steel gleaming bluely in the bright sunlight.
The pulse burned away half of the flesh covering Shane Brandes's left shin.
His eyes fixed on the thin flesh covering her artery - so strong and protective, yet so easy to pierce.
They cut zigzags in the flesh covering my chest.
The scales over the pattern were translucent just as the flesh covering the pattern on Alias's right arm was.
I watched all the healthy people walk up and down with their limbs intact and the flesh still covering their bones.
It is unknown what biological processes take place to sustain the flesh covering, since Terminators do not require the consumption of food.