The girls are real flesh-and-blood characters, and we follow them with interest in school and out.
In the end none of the performers convince you that they are real flesh-and-blood characters as opposed to stock types or stand-ins for ideas.
The main complaint: These aren't flesh-and-blood characters; they're cartoons.
Noir may be a formula, but it is one with room for compelling flesh-and-blood characters.
Unfortunately, Mr. Shackley doesn't exactly spring to life a flesh-and-blood character from the pages of this book.
Actually, we could let the genius question ride if Boone registered more as a flesh-and-blood character rather than a statue to crown with laurels.
This popularization, "a very different vision," one reviewer said last year, "is full of flesh-and-blood characters."
With his singleness of purpose, the Old Man is an abstraction, rather than a flesh-and-blood character.
In the right directorial hands, pop music becomes as central to a film as any flesh-and-blood character.
The stage seems occupied by flesh-and-blood characters, not cardboard cutouts.