How much was a flesh-and-blood man supposed to endure?
No flesh-and-blood man could possibly have eyes so dark, so ageless.
He would hardly send flesh-and-blood men to undertake such an important task.
Then again, he reflected, a flesh-and-blood man had a distinct advantage over the spiritual.
No longer a figure on a screen, he was now a flesh-and-blood man running for his life.
They were whole again, flesh-and-blood men, and Paranor was returned.
There was a flesh-and-blood man in those shadows, not some mythical beast.
"Are you sure there won't come a time when you'll need a real flesh-and-blood man?"
The sculptor, trying to make a metal copy of the flesh-and-blood man, had reduced him to the ordinary.
Jesus only appeared to be a flesh-and-blood man, his body was a phantasm.