G-8's body flexed forward.
As the superior (or proximal) pair of rectus abdominis muscles contract, the vertebral column is able to slightly flex forward.
If more forward flexion is needed, the middle pair of rectus abdominis muscles can contract along with the distal pair to allow the vertebral column to flex forward even farther.
This large muscle group would allow the vertebral column to flex forward, but would not permit a large extent of forward flexion.
Effective cross-country skiing requires the boot to flex forward to allow a striding action, so the boots were designed around a sole piece that allowed forward flexing while still keeping the foot relatively firm side-to-side.
The Adventure boots have a hinge at the ankle, which allows the foot to flex forward with each step.
Nevertheless, he flexed forward powerfully and attempted to ensnare Pyotr's wrists with his crushing grip.
When Elbryan bent his fist forward and flexed, he couldn't put his other hand - and his hands were not small by human standards!
The company was initially skeptical, but when Giese demonstrated the distortion of a conventional boot when it flexed forward, they decided to start development of a full prototype, the Flexon Concept.
He leaned forward flexing his claws as he watched Commander Simmons's red squadron in the holo tank.