These flexible printed circuits (FPC) are made with a photolithographic technology.
Cellular telephones are another widespread example of flexible circuits.
For the last decade, flexible circuits have remained one of the fastest growing of all interconnection product market segments.
There are a few basic constructions of flexible circuits but there is significant variation between the different types in terms of their construction.
Under normal circumstances, the flex circuit base material provides most primary physical and electrical properties of the flexible circuit.
PEN is being used as a substrate for flexible integrated circuits.
Fashion in that sense is a Möbius strip, a flexible circuit, both variable and closed.
Over the years 1968-79, Brody developed many electronic uses for thin film transistors, including flexible circuits, aircraft power controls, industrial timers and others.
The electronics are well protected within the body and of extremely high quality, including the flexible circuits.
Moreover, she contends, her technology can be used to greatly reduce the costs of manufacturing any electronic device that uses a flexible circuit.