'We were the ones they called lucky,' he'd said, his rheumy eyes flickering constantly from side to side, never settling on one thing for long.
And lightning should be flickering around him constantly.
Lightning flickered constantly, seeming to freeze droplets in midair for a moment, and thunder drowned out every other sound.
The flames flickered constantly, as though troubled by subtle disturbances in the air.
A terrific aurora polaris display constantly flickering hi the northern sky bore that out.
The red frill hissed balefully at him, tongue flickering in and out 185 constantly.
And Attalus was growing surly, his pale eyes constantly flickering towards Alexander.
The faces of the Koreans were indifferent, unchanged, only their eyes flickered constantly like nervous animals.
The last digits flickering and changing constantly.
He rode slouched forward, eyes flickering constantly from side to side.