It's enough to make you wonder what a flight to Nice would cost right now.
Never even bothered to find out what a flight might cost - simply of no interest to me I guess.
The hourly flights, which last less than 10 minutes, cost $139 each way.
At full price, they estimate that the flights would have cost them $1.7 million.
The flight takes an hour and costs $156 to $179 one way, at 111 yen to the dollar.
It was reported that the flight had cost nearly €6,000.
What it does have to do with the money owed is interesting enough: a flight could cost over three hundred thousand dollars.
From Europe it's a short hop, so for many even the flight won't cost that much.
The same flight on Delta cost $700 - in first class.
"And the flight from London cost all of about £50," he added.