The first flight date is not known nor is there much information on its use.
However, development was met with various technical challenges, and the maiden flight date slipped from 2006 to 2007, then 2008.
At first, bookings will be few, then they will increase, and after the flight date the record will vanish.
Pike took the airline tickets from the bag and checked the flight dates.
If it takes longer than your flight date allows, you can just pack and go.
Then flight dates, times, locations, number of passengers, and other medical contact people are discussed.
Upon acceptance, a flight date is assigned and the team must design and build the planned experiment by then.
The cheapest flights from Europe are typically charters, usually with fixed outward and return flight dates.
One major variable affecting the flight date is the weather.
December 2008 was due to be the last commercial flight date, after which houses were due to be built.