What they needed for flight ops, fire support missions, troop drops, and that sort of thing was adequate-not great, but adequate.
"We could get you back on board in the next day or two while we're conducting flight ops," Tombstone offered.
In reality, they shouldn't have been conducting flight ops.
This was expected to get some people excited, although the carrier group Commander had no idea that he was doing anything other than routine flight ops.
The flight ops building had the base's control tower sitting beside it.
Tell flight ops we're less than ten clilks from large force.
"Maybe you'd better come up to flight ops," Rummel told him.
Certainly not run flight ops the way we do, not without a sizable contingent of Russian crew members.
"But sir, flight ops are locked down," Jull said.
"We sail early, then we'll be conducting flight ops west of here."