I could feel her bones under her scant flesh and flimsy dress.
Before I could respond, both he and Jonathan were transfixed by a woman in a flimsy low-cut dress sweeping by our table.
Now men left her alone, but in her dementia she took off her flimsy dress and exposed the sores of her body.
Alexandra had disrobed and was standing beside his bed, utterly nude, the flimsy white dress lying in a frothy pool at her feet.
As strange as it seemed, Sara had changed her outfit and was wearing a flimsy pleated dress.
I look up, to see Laurel reaching for a flimsy dress which I've included for evenings.
She was allowed one flimsy dress, but the way in which she wore it proved that she had by God's grace lost her mind.
I'm off to hunt up the flimsiest, fussiest white dress I can find in my trunks.
Men walked in their shirt sleeves, women in flimsy dresses, all seeking the illusory coolness of the night.