"We certainly can't call the police on such flimsy evidence!"
He was going too fast, building up a case on the flimsiest evidence.
The label, based on flimsy evidence, has apparently never been removed.
He added, "A man should not forfeit his freedom on such flimsy evidence."
"I'm not sure what they can offer, based on so-called flimsy evidence," Schwartz said.
The case smacks of a rush to judgment based on flimsy evidence.
"We, in the scientific community, often give strong advice based on flimsy evidence," he said.
I said that was pretty flimsy evidence to go on, and I deserved to be in the game.
It was later determined that police had based their operation on "flimsy evidence and stereotypes".
Thousands of women have been punished under the law, often on the flimsiest evidence.