And when a desire is strong enough it can overwhelm such flimsy stuff as facts and truth.
This is fine, but allusion is pretty flimsy stuff on which to base art in the end.
My ruffled gown worn over wire hoops was of some flimsy stuff that felt like voile.
He was dressed in some flimsy blue stuff, and he had more droplet-shaped jewels dangling from his shoulder lace than did Iola.
Stop the false and flimsy stuff in the gate if you want to see what it's all made of.
Her aunt's scissors flashed in the light like exclamation marks as she snipped into the flimsy stuff.
We're dealing with very flimsy stuff here memories.
If only she was in her own clothes, not this fancy dress, three pieces of flimsy stuff you had to have servants to put on you!
The pelt was flimsy stuff and tore out of the claws just as the other paw grabbed the morsel in a second place.