The drank soda, flipped hamburgers on an outdoor grill and waved to passing motorists who honked in support.
"Farm work is more of a tradition with the Mexicans, but they may be tempted to flip hamburgers for $5 an hour if they get the chance."
I could have went out and flipped hamburgers at Denny's.
Since then, the 64-year-old chemical engineer, who earned $65,000 a year ago, has found no part-time work - "unless I want to flip hamburgers or be a security guard," he said.
"My advisor advised me to learn how to flip hamburgers."
They considered themselves too remarkable to flip hamburgers for minimum wage.
Alumni flip hamburgers and down bottles of cold beer.
Volunteer firemen from 20 neighboring communities flipped hamburgers in the food tent.
"We can't expect welfare recipients to flip hamburgers at $5 an hour," said Mr. Ford, who heads the House Ways and Means subcommittee responsible for welfare policy.
"They'd rather flip hamburgers."