Then the Battloid that was Max Sterling flipped neatly on foot thrusters and fired.
And the doll laughs with me, neatly flipping the knife and catching it by the back of the blade, and walking forwards, she hands the hilt up to me.
The Executioner cut the bread diagonally with his fighting knife and neatly flipped the pieces together into a pair of sandwiches.
In one of the most damaging broadsides, the influential Spanish-language paper El Diario ran a front-page picture of the mayor earlier this month over a headline that neatly flipped his intended message.
Manipulating the file deftly with his fingertips, Cranston engaged a link of the chain, raised the bolt and neatly flipped it so that it caught in the socket.
Pity Mattel didn't pick up on that bit of marketing to neatly flip the impression 'round.
Ogre, ogre... Smash put one hamfinger to the ground and lifted his whole body into the air, then he flipped neatly to his rock-calloused feet He roared--and the leaves of the nearest trees swirled away.
He flipped neatly over and caught the wood with his feet.
Standing at the water's edge, holding my fins, I was waiting for a pause in the shorebreak - the waves breaking right at the water's edge - when a wave grabbed my ankles and neatly flipped me face down.