Within a week six men had wanted to marry her, and in her flirtatious way she had chosen Richard.
The prologue also highlights that none of them have really changed from their flirtatious ways, despite being married.
Both lyrics have two lovers - secondary characters - arguing about the girl's flirtatious ways.
"With your flirtatious ways, you are bound to draw blood sooner or later."
For all his flirtatious ways, he took his duties seriously.
Eventually he started coming alone to my apartment, not in a flirtatious way, but hungrily curious.
It's more that he has a nasty, flirtatious way about him that makes my skin crawl.
The woman is holding a lit cigarette between two fingers in a flirtatious way.
And when he did look, she twisted her head in such a flirtatious way that his mouth fell open in amazement at her charm.
Sou's older brother, whom he deeply respects (aside from his flirtatious ways).