No, she didn't want to be a vain, flirtatious woman who depended on society to make her happy.
Arlena Marshall is a beautiful actress and a flirtatious young woman with many men attracted to her.
He remembers his mother as an extremely flirtatious woman.
A lovesick girl or a flirtatious woman he could have handled easily enough.
She was the same in public, playing the dignified wife one moment and a flirtatious woman the next.
For the flirtatious woman of a certain age, the feet may be the last thing to flaunt.
A flirtatious woman who has a bit of a reputation for controversy.
Pepper is a beautiful and flirtatious young woman who seems to have much experience as an adventurer.
The muscled men were masculine, the women frilly, flirtatious, and round.
Prime Minister Major is behaving like a flirtatious woman; asking all and giving nothing.