Ruin floated directly above her, throwing down insults, telling her how it would kill the others.
Agronski's mild face, plump and anxious, floated directly above him like a captive balloon.
The fly floated directly over the trout and on down the stream.
Maybe the Enigma is floating directly behind her back, tucked out of sight.
A G3 star floated directly "ahead" of Colin in the projection.
Ro was now floating directly behind the tall man.
Sulu maneuvered so he floated directly in front of Chekov.
The legal, if not actual, presence of these streets has proved a contentious factor in public policy, because some houseboats float directly above them.
Since there was no room to pass by on either side, they had to float directly underneath the giant beast.
It floated directly to Xavier, who hastily raised his hands to catch it.