A floating-point numeric value, generally "single-precision" rather than "double-precision".
As in mathematics, those languages often interpret a floating-point value as equivalent to a complex value with a zero imaginary part.
It is intended for storage (of many floating-point values where higher precision need not be stored), not for performing arithmetic computations.
These examples are given in bit representation of the floating-point value.
However, it is common (especially on computers with short word-lengths) for a pair of consecutive store locations to be allocated to each floating-point value, to allow increased Precision.
In computing canonical-signed-digit (CSD) is a number system for encoding a floating-point value in a two's complement representation.
Each core also has a float-to-fix converter to convert floating-point values into integer form.
The FCM is represented as an array of floating-point values which represent the extent to which one concept influences another.
In Python 3, the result of is always a floating-point value.
It does not work generally for floating-point values, because floating-point arithmetic is non-associative.