I saw them camping in flood basins.
According to the survey records, that lovely, flat plain was a flood basin.
It is a flood basin of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang).
During the daytime, it usually remains under coral and stones in lagoons and in flood basins.
During this time, the Molonglo flowed through the flood basin, with only a small fraction of the water envisaged in Griffin's plan.
The lake was created in the 1960s as a flood retarding basin for residential expansion in Altona and Brooklyn.
We weren't even tired when we came through a field of clover and into the flood basin of the Neversink River.
Originally The Ings behind the village was the natural flood basin of the river.
Inland, the river formed a broad flood basin known as the Liffey Plain.
They are acquiring wetlands to serve as natural flood basins.