The melting ice in Northern Europe caused huge rivers to carve out wide valleys, whilst the sea level rose significantly and flooded low land.
Its natural habitats are temperate shrubland, swamps, freshwater marshes, and seasonally flooded agricultural land.
The dam over the Saru River, completed in 1997 despite legal attempts to stop it, flooded land sacred to the Ainu.
The lowest part of the river valley contains strips of periodically or permanently flooded land.
The city largely grew from the 1970s after the construction of the power station at Kossou Lake flooded land to the west of the city.
Disasters of this sort were confined to neither traditionally flooded land nor the winter months.
Its natural habitats are swamps, intermittent freshwater lakes, and seasonally flooded agricultural land.
This dam would have flooded an area 1000 kilometers and damaged land of the indigenous Cree tribe.
There were heavy casualties as the Canadians attacked over open, flooded land.
Its natural habitats are freshwater marshes, ponds, irrigated land, and seasonally flooded agricultural land.