The game Brink is set on a futuristic arcology to preserve humanity after a natural flooding disaster.
In 1896, a flooding disaster occurred at River Level Colliery which killed six colliers.
After being damaged from the flooding disaster, a new Sportexe MomentumTurf surface was installed for the 2006 season.
On July 4, 1876, Rockdale would be the site of one of the worst flooding disasters in the history of the area.
In fact, the presence of the dam might actually result in worse flooding disasters in the future.
The pagoda was built to improve fung shui of the locality so that flooding disasters were prevented to the village.
It caused a severe flooding disaster in Texas after it dissipated.
As the flooding disaster grew worse, pledges of foreign aid continued.
Columbia County has been afflicted by numerous flooding disasters, the most recent in December 2007.
The flooding disaster saw people living in the area being evacuated in order to save lives.