This time, every drawer, every shelf and every surface was cleaned to within an inch of its life, and the tiled floor scrubbed till it shone.
The sun was long since up, breakfast finished, Mass attended, floors scrubbed.
The house was conspicuously neat, floors freshly vacuumed or scrubbed, the furniture dusted.
And the tables rubbed bone-white with fine sand, and the floors scrubbed on hands and knees.
The walk were whitewashed, the wooden floor scrubbed, and the room smelled as clean as it looked.
As was Fiona's wont, wood and silver were polished, foods prepared, floors scrubbed.
I cleaned the bathroom on Sunday, scrubbed the floor on all 4's etc..
He'd had it prepared, floor and walls scrubbed, every cobweb swept away, furnished simply but comfortably.
Before he left the kitchen, Web noted that it was very clean, the sinks spotless, the floor scrubbed.
"Then the next time I want the table cleared or the floor scrubbed, I'll be sure to ask you."