They still sat on the floor, surrounded by scattered blankets.
There was a round stage in the middle of the floor, surrounded by a curtain that often doubled as a video screen.
The man's mother, Miriam, sat crying on the floor, surrounded by friends and relatives.
The body of Gausgofer lay on the floor, surrounded by excited officials.
It took only a moment for him to spot Lexie sitting on the floor, surrounded by children.
Amy sat in the middle of the floor, surrounded by the paper.
Three of them sat on the floor, surrounded by white equipment boxes, eating what looked like hamburgers.
This time he didn't catch himself, but rather wound up on the floor, surrounded by his tormentors.
He saw himself in a strange room, lying on a floor surrounded by three or four octospiders.
A small round table rose out of the floor, surrounded by several free-form chairs.