When she got her feet under her, she staggered and stumbled as if the floor were tilting.
He was stumbling, as though the floor was tilting.
The top floor is tilting according to one of the men who've just come down.
Then it rolled toward the mirror, almost as if the floor were tilting, like the deck of a ship.
He felt as if the floor were tilting beneath his feet.
Since the field outside these cheerful buildings is not so level, you almost expect to feel the floors tilt as you are standing on them.
All at once, it seems as if the floor beneath me is tilting.
Those reptiles will shortly become active, and they may not be in an ideal mood- especially since the floor is tilting, sliding them about.
How he could even stand when the floor was tilting and throbbing so much, I had no idea.
He noted with dismay the floor was tilting downward, which made it unlikely they were nearing the entrance.