In addition, the two species can be easily distinguished on the basis of peristome morphology and floral characteristics.
Rootstock and scion combinations are used for many woody perennials to provide the necessary mix of floral or fruit characteristics and cultural requirements.
The floral characteristics of the Saurauia are similar to the other members of the Actinidiaceae.
In September 2001 Bernal et al. published the discovery of an Ammandra population located between the other two with floral characteristics represented in both groups.
Because of this interplay between environment and genetics in the control of floral form it is often difficult to breed Cannabis for floral characteristics.
The floral characteristics of the Gran Chaco are varied given the large geographical span of the region.
Bentham divided the genus into two sections on the basis of floral characteristics.
Even prior to the mysterious appearance of the neocortex, our brains had strong floral characteristics.
Bottles that are varietally pure, although more difficult to find, provide stronger floral characteristics, stone fruits and a headier minerality.
All of these plants with the same floral characteristic may seem hard to imagine, but not really.