In the books by Wade it was often decorated with Jacobite floral imagery, as were other liturgical texts with coded Jacobite meanings.
Its decorative patterning, full of hearts, pinwheels and lavish floral imagery, tapped an ancient vocabulary of fertility and "fruitfulness."
"Felonious reproduction of floral imagery?"
The songs were a kind of bouquet: all but one used floral imagery to express aspects of love.
This season it seems to have invaded a greenhouse: there was floral imagery everywhere, most spectacularly in a ball skirt constructed of tulle roses.
Photographed luxuriantly by Roger Deakins, the film's abundant floral imagery eventually eradicates the stately gloom of its early scenes.
The original version began with floral imagery, which was later cut:
They made shirt adornment much easier and permitted new effects, like detailed floral imagery.
Mr. Sicilia, a Spanish artist, has long worked at bringing together abstraction, floral imagery and rich materials.
By the 1950's, Evans's colors grew more lush, and floral imagery predominated, jammed within scrolled and scalloped borders.