Each political party makes a floral offering to the monolith and gives a speech.
These floral offerings were placed in various places around the house.
There couldn't be many flowers left in Birmingham, Sarah thought, looking at the huge wall of floral offerings behind the casket.
Commemorates the day of deads, with floral offerings and adjustments.
But interviews with leading conservatives indicate that they may not automatically catch the floral offering.
The small circle of glass jars was still in place, the floral offering brown and withered.
Among the floral offerings at the wall of honor is a rainbow of origami flowers, left by students of a Japanese high school.
It was necessary for an extra carriage to carry the floral offerings to the grave.
I have just intercepted another of that puppy's floral offerings to my sister.
Women visit images of Nandi, bringing floral offerings, and touch the stone.