He wore a non-rep floral tie that he picked up in Majorca.
He wore tan slacks and a white shirt, with a blue floral tie, immaculately knotted.
He wore suit trousers in burgundy, tightly pressed and perfect, a stiff white shirt and dark braces, a floral tie.
And in "Torn Suit," a tweed jacket and floral tie appear to have been assaulted with a shredder, leaving the bottom half of the outfit chewed to ribbons.
The prime offender: those bright floral ties seen on men everywhere.
It seems almost ironic that Mr. Pulitzer, who will be relaxing tomorrow with his gift, should have played such a key role in the creation of the bright floral tie.
But in the case of the bright floral tie, there were unfortunately more imitators than usual.
Last Father's Day, the bright floral tie was reaching the height of its popularity; the price began to plummet.
Mr. Reuben, in his trademark gray Ralph Lauren suit and floral tie, has been called a "gentleman paparazzo" but rejects that.
An embarrassing collection of clothes from the 1960s - hipsters, a floral tie and a pair of suede boots that Peter had once loved more than anything in the world.