Amid his florid language, marking an occasion that would have seemed incredible just a few years ago, there were several important points in President Roh's speech.
His elegant use of florid language and dark humor, along with bouncy rhythms, often give a rather jocular feel to even the grimmest lyrics.
His florid language notwithstanding, no one would have laughed 15 years later.
Still, the juxtaposition puts the sometimes florid, sometimes droll language of the day in even higher relief.
It's even easier than it sounds, especially if you don't try to use the florid language of wine writers.
Court submissions might be sprinkled with florid language or exclamation points.
I admire florid language as much as the next gal, but what in Frost?
The book is written in florid, antiquated language replete with outlandish spellings.
He absolutely refused to take the tip she offered him explaining, in the florid language he seemed to favour, that it had been entirely his pleasure.